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Monday 27 September 2010

Now I am 16....

Hey all!

Well, it's been just under a week since my last post. How naughty of me for neglecting you dear blog. What's happened since last week? Well.... I've turned 16. This makes life so so so much easier. I can now tell the guy I like, that I like him. If I can build up the courage that is. I think though, it's pretty clear. I mean, I'm super flirty. I think. And although I sometimes air on the cautious side, I  want to tell him so badly now. But then again, what happens if he doesn't like me? I hope to god he does, but I don't know. We speak everyday. And we talk allot.

I hope he likes me too. I really do. He's the perfect SamuraiPirate.

Well that's all today really, bye bye x

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