What are you?

Thursday 6 January 2011


Hey All

To anyone who reads thins, sorry for not posting much any more, life just seems a little too personal to broadcast to the world. You may find it interesting to know all about my life, and to an extent that was the point in the beginning, but now, I'm at a loss for material.

I also have a total of 4 subscribers, not really much now is it? Lol. I mean, come on. I have more followers on twitter!!  Okay, no I don't. I have 4 on Twitter too, but hey! I've been on there half as long.

So anyway, If you're interested in what I have to say, Let me know yeah? Leave a comment... Follow... Or something. Coz I'm feeling rather pants right now.

Friday 3 December 2010

Oh Dear

Hey All

Sorry I haven't posted for so log, it's just I've been so happy, and now, I can feel the darkness creeping in again. I can feel the thing that makes ma happy slip away. Becoming more distant and slowly disappearing. I can feel the one guy I want slipping away. Have I done something wrong? Did I offend him? Does he even know how I feel? Pah, To him, I'm some silly kid, I'm sure of it.

I keep telling myself, be me. Nothing else. Just be me. But it doesn't work. When I met him, I was so happy. SO enlightened, So bright but now. I'm so heavy, so dull, I'll work on being more me. I'll try. And I'll do whatever it takes to make him happy.

That's all folks! Sorry for such a depressing post.

Saturday 9 October 2010

A little more Typing

Hey All!

Sorry for the self indulgent post. I don't know what came over me. I meant it though :D

I've been ill recently. Some flu like bug. Not fair hate it. UGH, Have had the chance to watch a load of films though.

Scorpion King - Check
Sixth Sense - Check
X-Men - Check
X-Men2 - Check
The Matrix - Check
Jack Dee At the Apollo - Check
X-Files, File 3 - Check

Not bad :D

Anyway, am off now. I'm bored. xD
Bye bye

Thursday 7 October 2010

You ( anxty teenager shit )

You. Oh there is so much I want to say to you.  So many conversations I wish we could have. I wish I could tell you. But every time I get close. I run coz I’m nervous. How sad. I don’t want to make a fool of myself. I don’t want to be like a stupid little kid. I want you to like me. One day maybe, I’ll get the courage to tell you. If you hadn’t noticed already. Maybe you have.  If you have, tell me. Please. Unless you’re nervous too. I’ll see you soon. Sooner than I thought before, I hope. Oh I wish. So so much. You really have no idea. What silly teenager I am eh? Love crazy, making a right deal out of a cush, attraction. Who knows. I wonder, do you read this? Do you take in every time I post what I say. What a drama queen I am. How it doesn't matter how personal things are. I still write about them. Indirectly or directly. Of course there are things I leave out. Obviously. But ugh! I don't know. I like you. I think about all the time. I'm just scared of telling you., in case I look like a fool. In case you don't like me back. Maybe you do, maybe you don't. You said you'd show me the stars. Name the constellations. I'd love that.

Monday 27 September 2010

Now I am 16....

Hey all!

Well, it's been just under a week since my last post. How naughty of me for neglecting you dear blog. What's happened since last week? Well.... I've turned 16. This makes life so so so much easier. I can now tell the guy I like, that I like him. If I can build up the courage that is. I think though, it's pretty clear. I mean, I'm super flirty. I think. And although I sometimes air on the cautious side, I  want to tell him so badly now. But then again, what happens if he doesn't like me? I hope to god he does, but I don't know. We speak everyday. And we talk allot.

I hope he likes me too. I really do. He's the perfect SamuraiPirate.

Well that's all today really, bye bye x

Saturday 18 September 2010

:D Twitter


I have Twitter! Let's see if I use it :D

just a quick one

Hey! Just fund this on facebook! http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1086805459&ref=ts#!/pages/Boris-in-a-Bubble/154615311223802 Like it!!!!