What are you?

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

A slight Rant expanded!

Hey All!

Well, this is kind of an extension to yesterday's rant. I just ran out of typing time yesterday. Grrr!, So where was I?  I moaned about the weather and then moaned about my song. I'm moany, I don't want to be moany! What I want to know really is who actually reads this? Can you comment below if you do please, just one word or maybe two! 

The music thingy I went to with Nanna was good, if not a little weird! But on Sunday she took me to the Spinnaker Tower! Was very good, I even walked across the Glass floor. That was scary!! After the tower Nan, Granddad and I went to a Chinese all you can eat. Yay. I love Chinese! Here are a few snaps I took... 
 This is looking down through the Glass floor!

And the View from the Crow's nest! All in all, we had a great day!

Okay, so today I have to go for a CT scan. Does anyone remember when I broke my wrist, or so they debated in May? Well, the story goes, In may Mum and Dad took us all camping. and whilst putting up my tent, I missed the tent peg I was hammering in, and hit my hand ( along the thumb bone). I went to Accident and Emergency, saw a doctor and had my wrist and hand x-rayed. They said, it's only a sprain, wear this wrist splint for a few weeks and come see us again, so I did, and 6 weeks later, I am told, "Actually we think you've shattered a bone in your wrist. Ouch, so now, a further 6 weeks later, I am off to Winchester Hospital for a scan. What joy.

Last night I wrote a poem, originally destined for my other blog ( www.poemfix.blogspot.com ) but when it was finished, I decided to post it to both. Just feels right.... So here you are.... 

Trying to decipher what I mean to you is not as easy as it seems
I’ve checked all the signs and I’ve read all the books
To be honest, you confuse me with your bi polar reactions
I don’t want to appear immature in your eyes

Everything I tell you is laced with the emotions I swell from 
In truth you see, I want to scream at you how I feel
I hold back, answering your questions, as openly as possible
I may bend the truth, but I tell no lies

I find play lists of songs that pull back memories of you
When I watch films I can almost hear you laughing
The books I read are inspired by your interests and likes
I want to be more like you. So you’ll want me

My ambitions in life are different now, from meeting you
Ideas I had, theories of the world, karma and fate
They all changed with one of your deeply warming smiles
One thing has stayed the same, with you I want to be

This text isn’t neat and tidy, it’s not meant to be
Meticulously numbered syllables are missing
Because thins is raw and real straight from my heart
Written so you can see who I am.

No masterpiece, but no worries, it's not meant to be. Hope you like it, well, that's all for today. Bye bye people

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