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Saturday, 6 March 2010


Hey All

Am in a bit of a blogging mood today! Partly as an outlet to my emotions. Partly as something to do. I am currently sat at my computer, Troy is playing on my PS2 and I am talking to PezMeister via MSN. A smile is creeping round my mouth, death does that to me. One of the main ( and rather attractive ) characters have died. Fun stuff.

I have been really contemplative recently. Wondering the fate of those who cross my path. Wondering if I will ever find true love. Wondering why? Why the stars are in their patterns, why blood is red. Why am I who I am? What makes me, well, me. I have a quote from Hamlet to Ophelia in my head "Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt thou the sun doth moon. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt." This means allot to me. It is a lyric in 'Opheliac' a song by Emilie Autumn. One of my favourite songs. It is written all over my room. An Iconic quote. Telling me not to doubt. If only life was as simple.  Whilst righting this I have come to the conclusion that life is full of mystery. Full of questions that stay unanswered. And try as we might, we cannot answer them. They will stay in our minds, haunting our thoughts in the darkest hours of the night. Fleeting glimpses of what life could be like, if only we could answer them. Answer the impossible questions.

Well, that's all really, something to think about, a conversation starter.



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