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Wednesday, 3 February 2010

The Fourth Comming

Hey All!

As valentines day approaches I am beginnig to think about romance. Uh Oh! Don't get me wrong, I like romance and all... I just let my mind wander a little too much. I have the most wonderfull boyfrined at the moment. PezMeister.* I was thinking of being realy sweet and making him a Slash ragdoll ( He loves Guns N' Roses) but after the hastle it has been to make just the body and the legs... I am beginning to think it was a bad idea. I can sew. Just not well. And Slash is not an easy thing to make. Maybe I'll just draw him a picture or something.

Enough about romance... Back to my favorite game at the moment. Final Fantasy! At the moment I am  fighting a fire thing. A thunder thing and a lizard thing. I am, as PezMeister puts it "Training like a MoFo". To try and beat a boss. Not easy Lol. Oh well. What fun would a game be without a challenge? None what so ever. At the moment ( for those who know the charicters ) My battle line up is Tidus, Lulu and Auron. I like to think they make a good team. And so far I have been doing well... Maybe though it's time to let the other charicters join in. Poor Wakka, Yuna, Kimarhi. The only downfall of thins lineup so far is that Lulu has just over 500 HP, which compared to Auron and Tidus, it's measly. She dies to quickly. Although, at the moment she is the only chariter that can use black magic.

Anyway, thats all for today. Byesy bye.

*I don't use real names.

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